Hardwood swimming pond deck

— 2 minute read

When you make furniture in wood, making a hardwood deck can't be too hard. Right?​

Design permalink

As one does, I drew everything in SketchUp first. We opted for 145 mm wide Bangkirai boards, flat side up. The deck wraps around the end of our swimming pond.

Hardwood deck design
The design for the hardwood deck.

Construction permalink

We dug out the area, installed a landscape fabric and started building the frame.

Hardwood deck
We put in a landscape fabric as weed barrier.

Hardwood deck
We started off with small heaps of screed on which we placed two pavers. On top of that came the pvc deck supports and the hardwood beams.

Hardwood deck
We made sure everything was level.

Hardwood deck
And then we fastened the boards with deck screws in pre-drilled holes.

Hardwood deck
We used 5 mm spacers to ensure even spacing between the boards.

Hardwood deck
And before you knew it, we had all the boards in place and just had to do some edge trimming.

Hardwood deck
Of course it started raining when we finished the deck.